The Dominica Solid Waste Management Corporation has issued a public notice announcing the closure of the Fond Cole Sanitary Landfill effective Monday, April 29th, 2024, due to an ongoing landfill fire. During this period, the Corporation advises haulers and the public to hold onto their waste until further notice. Expressing deep regret, the Corporation sympathizes with the affected communities, including Stockfarm and Fond Cole, as well as commuters, due to the discomfort caused by the smoke from the fire. Residents with respiratory issues in these areas are urged to wear disposable masks whenever possible. Efforts to combat the fire and restore normalcy are underway, with the fire department, Dowasco, ODM, and other stakeholders providing essential resources. Multiple excavators, dump trucks, and water trucks are deployed to contain and extinguish the landfill fire. The Corporation requests understanding and cooperation from the public as they work to address this disruption to daily routines. Plans are in place to establish alternate waste disposal access, expected to commence by noon on Tuesday, April 30th.The Corporation extends gratitude for continued support and understanding during this challenging situation.
Financial Consultant & Sports Enthusiast, Ronald Lander, is calling for greater financial investments into the following sports sub-industries: Football, Cricket, Athletics, Basketball and Netball. Mr. Lander says better can be done by the government to improve training facilities, increase compensation for teams and athletes, endorsement opportunities, and performance opportunities. Financial Consultant & Sports Enthusiast, Ronald Lander
Energy Minister Vince Henderson claims Dominica is getting close to the last phase of the construction of a 10 MW Geothermal Power Plant in Laudat. Henderson acknowledged that Dominica has taken the longest time to develop a Geothermal Plant, but the time has come to complete the Geothermal plant. Energy Minister, Vince Henderson. Meantime, Former Minister of Agriculture & Environmentalist Atherton Martin questions the return on investment for the government’s effort to construct a small 10 MW Geothermal Power Plant - which would in the first instance - only cover 50% of Dominica’s Energy generation capability. Dominica’s peak energy requirements are 22 MW of electricity. Speaking on Q95 FM Radio today, Martin said the amount of money spent by the government on this project has grown to a very large sum, and he is not sure whether the plant will last as long as Mr Henderson claims, to even get any return on investment - as there are important factors that can quickly reduce the operational expectancy of a geothermal plant. In October of 2023, Dominica had spent some USD $55 Million on the Geothermal Project. To date, the amount spent is US $92.12 Million, inclusive of parliament's approval of a loan of EC $103.95 Million from the IDA, to install transmission/distribution lines from Laudat to DOMLEC’s Fond Cole power station. Former Agriculture Minister & Environmentalist, Atherton Martin
UWP Leader & Financial Economist Dr. Thomson Fontaine has outlined the idea for the upcoming 2024 Dominica Economic Revival Summit evolved. He said the Summit will bring involve experts from all sectors of the society, and will see dynamic presentation, integrated planning and consensus by all participants on a clear Economic path for Dominica in the Short, Medium and Long term.This major event is set for June 4th to 6th 2024 at Jungle Bay Resort & Spa in Soufriere. UWP Leader & Economist, Dr. Thomson Fontaine
Mr Severin McKenzie, member of the Electoral Reform Coalition revealed that the ERC took proactive steps last year, after the leader of the United Workers Party Dr Thomson Fontaine announced the intent to hold a Dominica Economic Revival Summit in 2024. The Summit will bring together key stakeholders, government Officials, Business leaders and experts in various fields in Dominica, in the Region and Globally, to engage in constructive dialogue and collaboration which will begin the process of creating a Masterplan to serve as a roadmap for Dominica’s future Development in Agriculture, Manufacturing, Tourism, Agi-Business, Renewable Energy, Knowledge/IT industries, Construction and the Blue & Green Economy. The ERC proposed expanding the scope of the Summit to encompass all sectors of the economy, stressing the urgency of addressing the widespread challenges faced by the Dominican economy.McKenzie emphasized that the decision to broaden the conference's focus stemmed from the stark reality that every facet of the Dominican economy is grappling with significant difficulties. He underscored the pressing need for immediate intervention to provide essential guidance and direction to steer the economy toward a more sustainable path. McKenzie outlines that the primary goal of the summit is to initiate the formulation of a master plan that will serve as a strategic blueprint for guiding the country's economic development in the future. Severin McKenzie from the Electoral Reform Coalition (ERC)
The Independent Regulatory Commission (IRC) has announced that it has reviewed and commented on stakeholder feedback received during consultations regarding DOMLEC's depreciation study. This study aimed to establish depreciation rates for DOMLEC's physical assets as part of the forthcoming electricity rates. Notably, both the IRC and DOMLEC have reached a consensus on employing the remaining useful life method to calculate depreciation expenses and apply depreciation rates. The Independent Regulatory Commission has informed stakeholders that increased depreciation expenses directly affect electricity rates for customers, as they play a significant role in determining the rates. Communications Specialist at the Independent Regulatory Commission (IRC), Edona Jno-Baptiste
In a ceremony held on Friday, Dominica extended a warm welcome to His Excellency Miguel Manuel Fraga Gonzalez, the new Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba to the Commonwealth of Dominica. The event, attended by Dominica's President H.E. Sylvanie Burton, emphasized the commitment of both nations to collaborative efforts in addressing diverse challenges for a more sustainable and equitable future. President Burton expressed Dominica's unwavering dedication to partnering with Cuba, underscoring their joint pursuit of solutions to multifaceted issues. The ceremony underscored the importance of fostering strong diplomatic relations between the two countries, with an emphasis on Health, Education and Agriculture. His Excellency Miguel Manuel Fraga Gonzalez, the new Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba to the Commonwealth of Dominica
Circle of Friends is seeking to change the negative narrative of Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) in the Caribbean Region, to a positive one in 2024. In an interview with Q95 news on April 27, 2024, Executive Director of Circle Of Friends (COF), Beverly Leblanc, explains that COF stands on three pillars: Support, Advocacy & Access. This, as the Government of Antigua and Barbuda will be hosting the SIDS4 Conference, according to the United Nations multiple high-level side events will be held in connection with the main Conference. One of the major side events will be led by Circle Of Friends. Beverly Leblanc says this is being done to create a platform for in-depth and wider discussion on creating a regional path toward sustainability and inclusion in Small Island Developing States. Out of the 300 applicants who registered for the conference’s side event opportunity only 190 made through, including Circle Of Friends (Dominica). Leblanc will present her message at the Upcoming SIDS Disabilities Forum from May 27th to the 30th, 2024 in Antigua & Barbuda. Executive Director of Circle Of Friends (COF), Beverly Leblanc
DOWASCO says Dominican taxpayers can rest easy as it announces that funding for its Water Sector Strategic Development Plan, which is set to be completed by 2026, is fully grant funded to the tune of EC $30 million by the United Kingdom Government, through the negotiation team of the Government of Dominica. Speaking to Q95 news recently, General Manager of DOWASCO, Bernard Ettinoffe, explained that the ‘Water Sector Strategic Development Plan’ will be implemented in four main systems across the island, they are: Calibishie, Castle Bruce, Coulibistrie/Salisbury System, and the Grand Fond/Morne Jaune, Riviere Cyrique System. General Manager of DOWASCO, Bernard Ettinoffe
Dominica’s Registrar of Titles, Ms Vincia Auguiste Francois, is seeking to re-educate Dominicans on the role and functions of the Registry Division. According to Ms. Francois, some of these transactions or functions are Withdrawals of Caveats, Noting Caveats, Caveat of Seizures, Mortgages, Requests for Conversions, Applications for first certificate of Titles, Requests to state a case, Applications to rectify a survey plan among others. Additionally, Ms. Vincia Auguiste Francois cautions Dominicans that the staff of the Registry Division, are not trained to give legal advice or to assist customers in drafting documents. Registrar of Titles, Ms Vincia Auguiste Francois
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