The new United Workers Party (UWP) Executive is calling on President Charles A Savarin to suspend his election writ, and postpone the sham December 6th general election until the electoral and campaign finance reform process is completed and the new laws are implemented.The new executive comprises:
1. Dr. Thomson Fontaine POLITICAL LEADER 2. Hon. Senator Clement Marcellin DEPUTY POLITICAL LEADER 3. Hon Lennox Linton- President 4. Sen Francisca Joseph – Vice President 5 Mr. Nicholas George GENERAL SEDRETARY 6 Ms. Diane Victor ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY 7 Mr Ezekiel Bazil TREASURER 8 Mr. Kent Joseph ASSISTANT TREASURER 9 Ms. Tehillah Saphie Bannis PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER 10 Dr. Mac Donald Thomas INTERNATIONAL SECRETARY 11 Mon Edison James TRUSTEE 12 Hon. Norris Prevost TRUSTEE 13 Sen. Ernie Lawrence Jno. Finn TRUSTEE The statement reads: As we continue to grow and strengthen our organization, we implore all stakeholders to joinus in our quest to develop our Nature Isle. We welcome the opportunity to speak directly tothe Dominican public on a few key issues of National importance one of which is electoralreform.Permit me to begin by empathizing with the people of the entire South East who are stillreeling under the effects of the recent trough. To the family of Mr. Henson Durand I expressspecial sympathies to you. May God continue to strengthen you and Dominica by extensionas we seek to recover from this ordeal. Unfortunately, this situation is being compounded bythe continuing neglect, stalled roadworks, and the destruction of the natural environment inthe area by the government of Dominica. Concerning the all-important matter of Electoral Reform we continue to hold firm to the viewthat this process, which has been started must be completed before the holding of Generalelections in Dominica. To the members of the United Workers Party and the overwhelmingnumber of Dominicans, resolving the issue of Electoral Reform is non-negotiable. After all,rectifying issues of a bloated voters list and the non-issuance of identification cards are at theheart of our democratic system. We note that Sir Dennis Byron who was appointed by thegovernment of Dominica to review our electoral process has completed his initial work andwill shortly be providing us and the government of Dominica with his draft report and a copyof the supporting draft legislation. We continue to urge the government of Dominica tourgently implement the required reforms and commit to the holding of fresh elections as soonas the process is complete. The announcement of the “sham” December 6 election, more than 30 months beforeelections were constitutionally due and without promised electoral reforms, was the mainreason why our Party decided to withdraw its participation from the polls. In that regard, wecall upon the election observers coming in from the Commonwealth Secretariat and theOrganization of American States to take careful note of the vexing circumstances under whichthis snap election is being conducted. An election process that is so deeply flawed, andweighted in favour of the ruling party should never be considered as being either free or fair. Based on the current threat to our democracy, the United Workers Party again calls on HisExcellency the President to exercise his executive authority granted under Article 58 of ourcountry’s Constitution, to suspend his election writ, and postpone the holding of electionsuntil such a time that the electoral reform process is complete. Furthermore, we call uponthe regional governments, and the international community to denounce the holding of thiselection and also not to recognize whichever government that emerges out of this process.At this point let me assure the people of Dominica that the UWP is doing everything within itslegal and constitutional rights to ensure that electoral reforms are completed. Read More at Another important matter that we wish to draw to the attention of the public is the fact thatno less than eight (8) members of the UWP have since 2017, been brought before the courtsby this government on various charges including incitement and treason, at tremendousfinancial and other costs to the Dominican public. These members are: Trustee and FoundingMember Mr. Edison James, Leader of the Opposition Hon. Lennox Linton, Hon. Hector Johnformer MP for the Salisbury Constituency, Hon. Danny Lugay former MP for the Roseau NorthConstituency, Mr. Nicholas George, UWP General Secretary, Dr. Sam Christian UWP candidatein the 2019 election, Mr. Brian Linton, and myself Dr. Thomson Fontaine Political Leader ofthe United Workers Party. We view these charges as been largely frivolous and meant toeither intimidate or stifle the legitimate opposition. Meanwhile, the Prime Minister has encouraged his followers to “throw hot water” onmembers of the opposition, Minister Reginald Austrie has called, to use his words, “disappearthe opposition,” while labour party operative Lennox Lawrence has called for the huntingdown of the opposition like terrorists. The fact remains that absolutely no action has beentaken against those who continue to incite violence against the opposition. I now therefore call on this government and the police authorities to immediately withdrawthese bogus charges against all eight opposition members and allow us to go about our lives,and doing the work of the people of Dominica freely.Let me now turn your attention to the areas that our Party, following our delegates’conference, will be focused on in the coming weeks. As a priority we will immediately beginstrengthening, renewing and expanding our Party’s base. We will explore new ways to assistin the welfare of our residents and actively engage with the diaspora as we seek to build andexpand.Finally, the United Workers Party is calling on all Dominicans to join us on Sunday 11thDecember from 3:00 P.M in a nation-wide solidarity rally to hear of the Party’s plans for thisour beautiful country. As we embark on this new era in our political history, let me assure the Dominican Public thatthe United Workers Party remains committed to good governance and to promoting animproved standard of living for our people. We continue to urge the people of Dominica todemand good and accountable government and insist that this government completes theelectoral reform as quickly as possible. As I close, I wish to note that our Party continues to work with the Electoral Reform Coalition,which is comprised of opposition parties, civil society organizations, and the Public ServiceUnion. As part of this effort for electoral reforms we will be engaged in a number ofactivities to strengthen our demand for electoral reforms. On Wednesday there will be atownhall meeting at the PSU building, Saturday a drive thru on the West Coast, Sunday aNational Day of prayer and on Monday a massive public meeting and candle light vigil inRoseau. We solicit your support as we commit ourselves to nation building and the restoration of our democracy.
Prime Minister Skerrit now promises that before he leaves office, every person in the Vielle Case constituency will own a decent home for themselves and their family. Mr Skerrit also said that he will make sure that all projects and programs he has mentioned are carried out for the people of the Vielle case constituency, whom he sai are the most devoted people in the entire world. Prime Minister Skerrit.
Earlier today, Sagicor International introduced its E-Life Platform, which was designed to enable people to buy insurance online in the comfort of their homes. Donald Austin, CEO of Sagicor; Eastern Caribbean, Belize, and the Dutch Speaking Nations, spoke at the unveiling earlier today and stated that this platform would allow people from countries in the region to use Sagicor service, which is growing into the digital realm; making it the leading insurance company to do so. CEO of Sagicor; Eastern Caribbean, Donald Austin.
Former UWP deputy leader, Claudius Sanford reflected on the inauguration of the current prime minister and stated that the nation needed a more experienced leader. Though the prime minister himself had modest beginnings, Sanford claimed that it is terrible that he now looks down on and demeans a gentleman who is working for himself. Sanford points out that there is a much bigger strategy at work here, and the people need to become more conscious of that. He says the prime minister and other members of the DLP cabinet have not yet made it plain to the citizenry how they aim to better the country, and while the United Workers Party is not participating in the sham snap election, he is still attempting to verbally disparage the opposition. Former UWP deputy leader, Claudius Sanford.
UWP Refutes Claims of Responsibility for Cancellation of the DLP Salisbury Campaign Event Roseau, Dominica, November 29, 2022. The United Workers Party (UWP) views with great concern a recent press statement issued by the Dominica Labour Party (DLP) and dated November 29, 2022, which blames our party for the cancellation of a proposed DLP rally in Salisbury that same day.
In the view of the UWP this is a desperate attempt by Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit and the party that he leads, to fool international election observers into believing that the main opposition party is interfering with his highly toxic campaign of lies, deception and propaganda ahead of elections on December 6th, 2022. It is important that we remind the public that the UWP is not participating in the 2022 elections because of the following: • it represents a betrayal of the trust of the people of Dominica who were led by the Prime Minister to believe there would not be another election in the country before reform of the electoral process to remove the taints, that poisoned it into delivering unfair results in 2009, 2014 and 2019; and • it confirms the unrelenting assault of Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit on the fundamental right of the people to elect their government through free and fair elections with integrity. Undoubtedly, the Prime Minister wants the international election observers to believe that he is involved in a legitimate electoral contest, so he is falsely accusing the UWP of interfering with his campaign in a constituency he has brutally victimized and which the DLP has never won since the birth of the UWP 34 years ago. The people of Salisbury recognize the right of the few supporters of the Dominica Labour Party in the constituency to freely assemble, associate, and participate in the election process. The request by some within the community for an apology from the DLP for teargassing sleeping residents on the morning before the general election of 2019, and trying to murder, imprison and impoverish them, is an invitation to engage civility and justice in our interactions as one people, one Nation. Indeed, the request for an apology posed absolutely no threat to the DLP’s campaign activities in Salisbury or anywhere else in Dominica, as the DLP itself has clearly confirmed: “We shall nonetheless continue our campaign in every village, in every part of the Salisbury Constituency”. The accusations levelled against the UWP by the DLP could very well create disruption leading to violence, the destruction of property and loss of lives. The attention of the international community is rightly focused on Dominica at a time when the people continue to call for electoral reforms. We ask the international election observers to note that other political parties and civil society organizations (both in Dominica and the Diaspora) are calling for unity in opposing the sham election through legitimate protest action. We need and therefore humbly request the good offices of the organizations monitoring the election process to take note of the DLP’s attempts to mislead the people of Dominica and to unnecessarily heighten tensions during this period. Photo: Dominica State College Yesterday, the Dominica State College installed 14 newly appointed executives into the student government association. President – Abigail Morancie Vice President – Ajani Shillingford Treasurer – Austin King General Secretary – Kenibar Mitchel Public Relations Officer – Ronisa Riley Club Representative – Erika Robison Sports Representative – Kaheel Shillingford Faculty of Fine Arts and Technology Representative – Michael Alleyne Faculty of Arts and Sciences – Angel St. Jean Faculty of General Studies – Mia Antoine Faculty of Education – Sabria Morancie At-large Representatives: Jovel Abraham, Jayyudna Daisy. The student government association (SGA) president made a few brief remarks during which she expressed her thanks and gratitude also spoke of the association's mission. SGA President – Abigail Morancie.
U-Report is a digital social messaging platform that was designed by UNICEF and is currently managed by the OECS commission as a way to engage young people in program priorities emergency response and advocacy actions. Wendy Wallace, the lead Dominica representative for U-Report, provides updates on the platform's goals and how the data collected will be used to bridge the necessary gaps. Ms Wallace informed that the projects U-Report has been involved in Dominica's educational community, and mentioned that the organization serves a diverse cross-section of young people, which would include residents of Kalinago, local youth organizations, and relevant stakeholder representatives. Wendy Wallace, lead Dominica representative for U-Report.
The country program coordinator for UNICEF in Dominica, Mrs. Gezel Mondesire Charles, emphasizes that UNICEF champions and promotes the perspectives of children and youth throughout the OECS and the rest of the globe. She mentioned that UNICEF generated the U-Report program in 2007 and that it was introduced in Uganda in 2021. Due to the fact that there are more than 3 million U-Reporters worldwide, Dominica and the youth are now a member of a very vast community. She also exhorts more young people to join the platform and make their views heard on behalf of the organization. She notes that young people are routinely ignored and their voices go unnoticed. Mrs. Charles emphasizes that the U-Report platform is a fantastic opportunity for youth to express their thoughts and even participate in the creation of laws and policies that will affect them and future generations. Country program coordinator for UNICEF in Dominica, Mrs. Gezel Mondesire Charles.
Caribe Petro Pointe Michel and Blue Waters Bath Estate have advanced to the DFA President's Cup quarterfinals.In a high-scoring game at the Dublanc playing field, Pointe Michel beat Bombers 6-4. Sharmia Dangleben and Perry Charles each had two goals for Pointe Michel, while Marcus Bredas and Randolph Peltier each had one. For the Bombers, Keeyan Thomas, Gabriel Raymond, Davone George, and Jamie Parillon scored.In the other match at the Stock Farm Complex, Blue Waters Bath Estate defeated Exodus 2-nil. Eustace Phillip and Marcellus Bonney converted for Bath Estate.
Bernie Ryan, chairman of the UWP St. Joseph Constituency Association, is adamant that the Dominican People have the power and ability to take action in order to bring about democratic change in their society, and that it is time for them to stop waiting for the prime minister to bring about the reforms they want. He added that the people have to realize that the power of the people is greater than the people in power. UWP St. Joseph Constituency Association Chairman, Bernie Ryan.
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