According to Craig Nesty, Executive Director at ECTEL, the official launch of Mobile Number Portability at 9:00am on Monday, June 3rd at the Prevo Cinemall on Old Street, Roseau.
Mobile Number Portability enables consumers to keep their current mobile telephone number when switching from one mobile telephone operator to another. The service removes the inconvenience of phone users having to inform their contacts, family and friends of a change of mobile service provider after switching networks. According to Nesty, MNP service will be available to all mobile subscribers within all the ECTEL Member States of Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts & Nevis, Saint Lucia, and St. Vincent & the Grenadines.
Ahead of Dominica’s Oral Health Week, the program ‘Jolly’s Health Vibes’ informed the public of the importance of dental health with guest Dr Bertina Louis who is a dentist by profession. With a focus on children Dr. Louis revealed, based on the last survey done, children between the ages of 5- 10 are the ones with the most cavity in schools. Dr. Louis briefly discussed an Oral Health rally to be held among the primary schools scheduled for Friday June 17, at Castle Bruce. Dr. Bertina Louis
Dominican Nurses now more than ever are speaking up against the unfairness they face in Dominica’s health care system. These concerns stem from lack of proper transportation arrangements, inadequate security, and low salaries. Social activist and educationist Arundell Thomas, has been keeping abreast with the issues surrounding Dominica’s nurses. He shared his professional views on the matter, saying it appears that the current government administration seems to favor foreign nurses compared to our local nurses, and this injustice needs to be rectified. He argues that the foreign nurses and doctor have all their basic amenities covered, such as electricity, water and others, inclusive of proper transportation and free housing all provided by the government, and our Dominican nurses struggle to get transportation to and from work, and especially when they work late night shifts, their salaries are minimum, and they have had several issues with security. He contends that it is unfair when taking into consideration that most of the local nurses still end up having to translate or serve as supervisors to these foreign nurses who hardly understand the local people and the language. Social Activist and Education Officer, Arundell Thomas
Former AID Bank and NBD Bank Manager, Julius Corbette has revealed to the media, the reasons he believes his contract was not renewed to continue his role as Manager at the Aid bank. Speaking to Q95fm Radio recently, Corbette said, one of his brothers told Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit that he (Corbette) was entertaining UWP Officials at his home, and as a result was not loyal to the sitting Prime Minister. As a result Corbette received word that Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit was not pleased, and he believes that Skerrit may have advised relevant authorities to ensure that his contract was not renewed. Julius Corbette says he has since moved on with his life; however, he classifies that situation as ill-willed and evil. Former AID Bank and NBD Bank Manager, Julius Corbette
UWP Senator Isaac Baptiste has called out the Chairperson of the Castle Bruce Village Council on remarks she made recently that a lot of development has taken place in Castle Bruce. Angelica Gasper told party supporters at the recent launch of the Dominica Labour Party’s Octavia Alfred in Castle Bruce, that she was certain they had seen “lots of development” as they came to the village. Baptiste has challenged Gasper to spell out the developments in Castle Bruce, since according to him, he was not aware of many developments taking place in the community. He said he knew of two projects being undertaken Castle Bruce, some of which he said will benefit the community”, but most are purely for political gain.”
Baptista who is a City Planner and Architect by profession said, “the Projects that are happening in Castle Bruce are the apartment buildings in Sikwi”. However, his view is that those buildings erected near to the playing field are inappropriate housing and are improperly located. He added “Once the people move in, there will be a problem because the location is inappropriate”. Baptiste laments that the Wakaman road, which was non-motorable for years, was hurriedly paved in 3 days, to facilitate the launch of the Labour Party Candidate, Octavia Alfred. The UWP Senator welcomed the building of a new bridge over Senhouse River which had been broken down for more than 2 years. However, he contends that nothing has been done in terms of job creation for the area. Baptiste emphasized that the people need jobs. Baptiste said the agricultural sector in the community has been destroyed and is non-existent – a strategy, he claims is being used by the ruling DLP to make people in the rural areas become dependent on the Parliamentary Representative and the Dominica Labour Party. He suggests that the Village Council Chairperson spell out what she meant when she said there is a lot happening in the Castle Bruce Constituency. He cautioned her about misinforming the people. College students claim they have not seen much development in Castlebruce. Angelica Gasper has been a Councillor for more than 12 years and has been Chairperson for two terms or six years, but the Castle Bruce Village Council office is still under tarpaulin, 20 months after the passage of Hurricane Maria. One of the Pioneers of Bouyon Music in Dominica, and famed Keyboard Player, Cornell “Fingers” Phillip, is calling on all citizens to purchase the tickets to attend the Papa Creole Event, carded for 15th June 2019 at the Windsor Park Sports Stadium Forecourt. Tickets cost EC $50 dollars for grounds and VIP costs EC $250, they are available at Bulls Eye Pharmacy, and at Val Ferry’s main office. Phillip spoke to the media at a Press Launch of Papa Creole, at the FLOW Dominica conference room in Roseau. One of the Pioneers of Bouyon Music in Dominica, and famed Keyboard Player, Cornell “Fingers” Phillip
Social Activist and Former Agricultural Minister Atherton Martin shares his impassioned view on what he labels to be unjust and immoral sale of Dominica’s identity, through the sales of Dominica passports. Martin says people like Monsignor Eustace Thomas know that the soul of Dominica is at stake, and that our country’s passport is an iconic representation of who we are as citizens. Martin says they are taking our identity and selling it, and using the money for their own personal benefit, and for that of their political party. He says if that is the case, then they might as well sell the people themselves. He added, “they might as well take you and sell you to bring money into the treasury”. Martin says that he has no patience for the persons who say one thing but do the opposite when they opportunity to prove themselves. Social Activist and Former Agricultural Minister, Atherton Martin
A new multi-purpose cooperative has been created in the village of St Joseph. Parliamentary Representative for the St Joseph Constituency Kelver Darroux says cooperatives are still relevant today, providing the opportunity to have greater synergies with farmer and fisher groups working together in one accord, for the overall good of the community. MP for the St Joseph constituency, Honorable Kelver Darroux Meantime, Registrar of Cooperatives Marriett Canoville contends that cooperatives give back to their members in a big way. Registrar of Cooperatives, Marriett Canoville
More residents of Petite Savanne will soon receive keys to their news homes at the Bellevue Chopin Housing Resettlement. That word has come from the Parliamentary Representative for the area, Dr Kenneth Darroux. He says about 50 more homes are soon to be presented to them. Parliamentary Representative for Petite Savanne Dr Kenneth Darroux
General Secretary of the Dominica Public Service Union (DPSU), Thomas Letang, anticipates a massive attendance at the DPSU’s Solidarity rally scheduled for today Thursday 30th May 2019 at 4:30pm on the DPSU grounds. Letang told Q95 news on Wednesday the last solidarity rally was a complete success; however, the Policy makers in Dominica failed to address the concerns of the public Officers who staged this massive event, and as a result, Public Officers are again throwing their full support behind the executive of the DPSU, and demanding that the government leaders meet their demands for improved working conditions and a salary increase. General Secretary of the Dominica Public Service Union (DPSU), Thomas Letang.
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